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E-commerce localisation: we answer your most common questions

Skriven av Contentor | 13 feb 2024

FAQ: we answer the most common questions from D-Congress

Last week we took part in D-Congress, the biggest Swedish e-commerce event. This time it was our debut as a partner. Here we want to share the most frequent questions/challenges that our visitors came with and give you the answers. 

We had such a pleasure to welcome visitors at our booth and chat with them. At Contentor, we strive to provide solutions that meet our customers’ needs instead of offering a ready-made product. That’s why customer relations and experience are always our top priority. Here we want to share the most frequent questions/challenges that our visitors came with and give you the answers.

I know that translation is important, but I don’t have a budget for it.

We believe that scale-up implies an entrepreneurial mindset. So think about it as an investment, not a cost. One more argument comes with numbers: 75%* of consumers want the products in their own language (*CSA Research). Isn’t it worth investing?

What’s the difference between Contentor and other translation services?

First, Contentor is your one-stop-shop for content creation and website localisation. In other words, we offer you translation project management that optimises your time, helps to avoid a headache and delivers a superb result.
Second, we specialise in e-commerce being part of this ecosystem for more than 10 years.

Would you offer me a low price?

No. Instead we offer something worth the price. We believe it’s quality that defines a price. With Contentor you don’t pay for a brand name, but you pay for quality.

Why do I need integration?

Integration allows you to conveniently have content creation and translation features on your digital platform. Skip long email conversations, exporting files, and copy-pasting everything. As a result, you boost productivity, reduce administrative work, save time and money. Not bad, right?

Can you help to translate Google Ads Campaigns?

Certainly! We often hear that one of the main problems is when a translated ad exceeds the recommended character limits. To solve this problem, we offer localisation instead of translation. We make sure that your keywords and the original message are delivered to a local audience in the most understandable way and meet the character limitation.

Do you have any questions, get in touch with us.